
Humble pie: Admitting to an error

September 17, 2024

I recently sent a letter to the editor about landlords raising our rents by adding the consumer price index to our normal cost-of-living adjustment cap. In my rant, I mistakenly put the blame on Bethany Hall-Long without doing my homework. 

I did try to look up the bill number (I thought it was 154). A rebuttal by Fred Neil set me straight and gave me a history about House Bill 137. I contacted Neil and he advised me who the real culprits were. 

I want to apologize to Bethany Hall-Long and beg forgiveness. 

I did get one part right when I mentioned she met with the Delaware Manufactured Home Owners Association. She was there to warn us of how this bill that was quietly being shoved through the House was going to hurt us. She has worked with Fred Neil and others tirelessly to try to stop the bill. 

If I made their names public, I would have to find another place to live. Corporate raiders have landed in Delaware, and we are at the mercy of their greed. 

Richard Urban


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