
Hurricane preparedness plan is Aug. 13 meeting topic

July 31, 2024

The Sussex Preservation Coalition will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the Lewes Public Library and via Zoom.

Coastal residents can learn about hurricane preparedness and the county’s evacuation plans. People who intend to attend the free event either in person or online should email to register.

Timothy Cooper, Sussex County Public Safety-Emergency Management deputy director, will outline steps residents should take to be prepared during hurricane season as well as explain the county’s evacuation plan for Sussex County and its work with surrounding jurisdictions. He will take questions.

“The National Hurricane Center is predicting an above-normal 2024 for Atlantic Ocean hurricanes. Given the frequency of extreme weather events, we urge residents to educate themselves about preparedness and county plans,” said Jill Hicks, Sussex Preservation Coalition president.

SPC also will provide updates and next steps for the Northstar and the Cool Spring Crossing development projects and discuss the status of amendments proposed for the perimeter buffer ordinance.

Comprising local environmental groups in Sussex County, the coalition is dedicated to preserving and protecting local ecosystems. Its mission is to increase the impact of groups and individuals by working together to educate, organize, advocate and act.

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