
Huxtable listens to constituents, is bipartisan

July 12, 2024

Sussex County needs concerned leaders like Sen. Russ Huxtable. Every other letter or article I read in the Cape Gazette is written expressing concern about the impact overdevelopment is having on our communities and the lack of planning for supporting infrastructure. Huxtable is not only concerned, but he also listens to his constituents and takes action.    

I am a resident of Plantations in Lewes. My neighbors and I have been concerned about the impact DelDOT construction plans will have on our community, our quality of life and our safety. When we reached out to Huxtable, he made himself available to meet with us the week after we contacted his office. He listened, made suggestions and then attended a follow-up meeting we had a few weeks later with DelDOT officials. Since this meeting, he has kept in contact with us and other communities in the area that may be similarly impacted. His understanding of the issues our communities are facing, and the infrastructure planning processes, has helped us immeasurably. 

Similarly, he has helped to secure other area resources. 

He secured $200,000 in state funding for the Lewes open space campaign to help preserve the Fourth Street Forest, the last forest in Lewes city limits.   

He helped pass SCR 192, a bill which will help preserve, protect and restore our three Inland Bays, important natural resources for the future of all Sussex County residents.

Huxtable has demonstrated not only the ability to listen to his constituents, but also the ability to work across the aisle in a bipartisan manner to get the job done. The Legislature just passed six of the bipartisan bills he sponsored this session. We cannot afford to lose his leadership in the Legislature. I hope voters will give Huxtable the opportunity to continue the work he has begun and to fight for the Cape communities. 

Jeanmarie Dolan


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