Winter, the bleak dark days that are punctuated by the arrival of a bright seed catalog when dreaming of the summer garden full of bounty. The trick to not going overboard buying seeds is to ask a few questions. What do I like to eat? How much space do I have? How much time can be devoted to the garden?
If you are a novice, select easy to grow varieties and know your hardiness zone found at In this area, Zone 7b on the coast and 7a inland, many gardeners start seeds inside to get a head start on the cool temperatures of early spring.
There are many choices out there and using the internet to get started is a great way to choose a catalog to order from.
Many seed companies are happy to send you a free catalog, or you can order online. The seed catalogs are great to have because they often contain interesting and useful growing information. A company that caters to both the home gardener and small farmer, selling a wide range of untreated seeds that include organic, hybrid and open-pollinated is Johnnys Selected Seeds ( Catering to the home gardener and offering many many varieties of heirloom and open-pollinated seeds is Baker Creek at For a cooperative in the Mid-Atlantic region that sells seeds to home gardeners suitable for our region, you might want to look at Southern Exposure Seed Exchange at There are many many seed companies to choose from and once the search is started and one begins to request catalogs and order seeds, the seed companies will send out plenty of catalogs in the mail around Christmas time each year.
One may see terms that are unfamiliar. One may ask what is the difference between an heirloom, open-pollinated, hybrid and Genetically Modified Organism seed?
Heirlooms are defined as open-pollinated varieties that are a result of natural selection. Seed-saving organizations collect and grow this type of seed to maintain the original characteristics of the parent plant.
Open pollinated seeds are a result of pollination by insects, wind or other forms of pollination. Saving seeds from this type of variety will give the same true plant year to year. However, different varieties planted too close will often cross pollinate.
First generation hybrid’s are created when a breeder selects two lines and cross pollinates them to produce a seed that combines traits from both parents--generally, desired traits such as disease resistance and uniformity. When saved, seeds from hybrid plants will not produce the same fruit the next year.
Some seed may have been altered using genetic engineering techniques, but that is not likely to include any seed bought from a catalog. Genetic engineering is when scientists manipulate and transfer genes between organisms to create a plant that doesn't occur in nature. Currently, GMO vegetable seed for home gardens is not being produced and the only GMO vegetable seed available is sold to commercial growers and is biotech sweet corn and biotech squash. One issue with the GMO seed commonly used for commodity production is that of cross contamination. Some seed companies test their seed to be sure it does not contain GMO contamination.
But, most corn and soy grown in the United States comes from GMO seed. Corn and soy are used in many processed foods and in most animal feeds. So the meat consumed has been raised on genetically modified grains and any processed food in a box from the supermarket has a high likelihood of containing genetically modified ingredients, unless it is labeled otherwise, or is certified organic. On the other hand, the seeds you buy for your vegetable garden are not genetically modified (unless through some type of cross contamination).
Other terms seen in seed catalogs include organic, which are grown without any use of synthetic fertilizer or pesticides. The use of genetic engineering is prohibited for organic classification. Pelleted seeds are enclosed in a round pellet to make small seeds easier to handle. Treated seeds are typically coated with a fungicide.
Once starting the garden remember to store unused seeds properly in ziploc bags and remember to label and date them. Hattie Allen of Hattie's Garden in Lewes says "Moisture and fluctuating temperatures can effect the seed's ability to germinate. Although fresh seeds will have the highest germination rates, most seed will last several years if properly stored. You can place your seeds in airtight containers in the freezer and they will remain viable for a long time. Otherwise, simply place your seeds in a cool and dry place, out of direct sunlight."