
It’s a good time to update home insurance policies

September 23, 2018

Now would be a good time to review insurance policies. Bolster the sense of security provided by homeowners insurance by taking the time to comb through a policy or speak to an agent to find out exactly what the policy does and does not cover. Understand, flood damage is not covered by a standard homeowners or renter’s insurance policy.

After reviewing a policy, make a quick-reference list that includes the 24-hour contact information for the insurance agent and insurance company, policy numbers, and the website and mailing addressing for the agent/company and any emergency numbers the agent/company may have set up because of a storm.

In addition to the storm preparations needed outside a home (clearing gutters, securing furniture/décor, trimming trees, shuttering windows), take the time to create a home inventory.

In the unfortunate event of property loss or damage, a home inventory makes the claims process much easier.

Including the brand name, model and serial numbers, date of purchase, receipts, and photos in the inventory helps the insurance company make a quick and accurate assessment of a loss.

An alternative to a written inventory is to photograph or video each room of a home and its respective contents.

The more detailed the photographs or video (open drawers, closets, sheds and garages), the more accurately a loss can be evaluated.

For posterity, email inventories, photographs, policies and emergency lists to oneself and/or a trusted friend or family member living outside the storm’s threat area. Keeping an insurance policy, inventory, and quick reference list together and stored in a waterproof, fireproof box or safe is a good idea.

If evacuated, remember to take this information.

If there is property loss, it is important to contact the insurance agent/company as soon as possible; some policies require notifying the company within a certain timeframe. Be sure to have the policy numbers on hand. Before cleaning up or making repairs, take photographs, then make repairs that will prevent further damage (cover broken windows, damaged walls, and leaking roofs), but do not make permanent repairs. The insurance company should inspect the property first and an agreement should be reached on the cost of permanent repairs. Save all receipts, including those from temporary repairs, for the insurance adjuster. With proper documentation and full cooperation, avoid delays in processing claims. If there are any problems processing a claims, do not hesitate to reach out to the Delaware Department of Insurance at 302-674-7300.

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