Jamie Jones joins Envirotech Environmental Consulting
Envirotech Environmental Consulting Inc., a leader in comprehensive environmental management services, stormwater management and water quality management, welcomes Jamie Jones, environmental engineer, to Envirotech’s Due Diligence staff. Jamie will be providing Wetland Delineations, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, Living Shoreline Designs, Certified Construction Reviews, Regulatory Permitting, and other environmental Due Diligence reporting services.
Jones holds a BS in biology from Washington College and an MS in environmental engineering from the University of Central Florida. She was a Stormwater Management Academy research assistant at the University of Central Florida where her research focused on water quality remediation of stormwater ponds. Her recent projects included work on the maintenance practices for stormwater runoff for the Florida Department of Transportation, and best management practices for aquatic restoration in lakes, streams, and wetlands for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Jones has authored various publications and given presentations on the topics of ecosystem restoration, aquatic restoration projects, ecological modeling, nutrient uptake and assimilation, and biosorption activated media.
Jones' professional certifications include Certified Construction Reviewer (Delaware), Wetland Delineation, and ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
Jones was an open water rescue lifeguard with the Sea Colony Beach Patrol for six years.
With a comprehensive approach to all due diligence and project management needs, Envirotech’s professional services can help reduce permit and project turnaround times, and eliminate federal and state liabilities related to abandoned hazardous waste.
Envirotech’s mission is to provide comprehensive environmental management services for achieving environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing results that meet environmental regulatory policy and ecological needs. Learn more about Envirotech and purchase environmental products at www.envirotechecinc.com. For a complimentary educational presentation or on-site consultation, call 302-684-5201 or contact Todd Fritchman, president/aquatic biologist, at todd@envirotechecinc.com.