The recent Delaware premiere of "Heal," the new documentary that empowers viewers to understand the extraordinary healer within each person, drew more than 550 attendees and sparked a genuine dialogue in the community.
"It was incredibly moving to me to see how the message of self-healing resonated with so many," said Uday Jani, MD, a Milton-based internist who blends traditional, integrative and functional medicine at his practice. "A very strong need was expressed by those who attended to learn even more about how to apply these concepts to their everyday lives."
In response, Jani and co-presenter Dr. Krista Griffin, owner of Lotus Chiropractic in Lewes, who teamed up to host a discussion session after each of the "Heal" showings, will collaborate again to present a free lecture at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the Lewes library.
"The interest 'Heal' generated is a testament to our desire to become more empowered in our health," said Griffin. "We are thrilled to have the opportunity to share practical tools to access the healing powers we all possess."
Jani and Griffin encourage all to attend, even those who were unable to view the "Heal" documentary, and learn from the discussion of the film's key concepts as well as an interactive question-and-answer session. Exercises that help change brain waves in order to aid the body in healing itself will be demonstrated, and guidance on how to start an individual spiritual journey will be shared.
Well-known spiritual teacher and author Marianne Williamson said, "The journey begins with unlearning fear and prejudices, and accepting love back into our hearts. Love is what we were born with, and fear is what we learned here."
Jani said, "Helping eliminate fear, which blocks positive thinking, and instead focus on forgiveness, is the first step. It's only through forgiveness that we can clear the heart and mind, and make room for love."
One of the most effective ways to learn how to focus on the positive and truly appreciate the now is through meditation, he said: "The directed concentration of meditation makes it possible to reclaim the present, which is all we have, and what we most need to cherish."
Jani points out that 90 percent of all illnesses are thought to be stress-related. "If we can learn how to manage our stress through time-honored practices like meditation, we can tap into our body's innate healing power," he said. With meditation, actual physiological changes are seen in the body which manifest in feelings of peace, well-being and rejuvenation. He urges people to start slowly and cultivate meditation as a lifetime habit. "You can't expect to be an expert in a few days, but if you make it part of your daily ritual, meditation can truly restore your soul."
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