Jean and Tony D’Amico celebrate 77th wedding anniversary

Celebrating Jean and Tony D’Amico’s 77th wedding anniversary are in back (l-r) Veronica D’Amico Brown, John Brown, Marie Chambers (niece and couple’s flower girl), Mary Beth D’Amico, Joe D’Amico, Brian Chorney and Gina D’Amico holding Miles Chorney. In front are Ella Brown, Jean D’Amico, Tony D’Amico hugging Johnathon Brown and Rylan Chorney. DAVE FREDERICK PHOTO
June 26, 2024
Jean and Tony D’Amico of Lewes, by way of South Jersey, celebrated their 77th wedding anniversary June 19 surrounded by family. Tony just celebrated his 99th birthday, while Jean turns 98 in July. They married when they were 22 years old.