
Katz’s campaign worthy of consideration

October 4, 2024

As an Independent, I tend to vote for Independent candidates (provided I favor their policy positions and their vision), but I often hear that I am wasting my vote since independents rarely win. Folks will tell me they long for alternatives and even prefer to vote for the Independent candidate, but can’t quite overcome the worry of throwing away their vote.

I sympathize with the quandary, but I believe the only way out is to cast a ballot for the candidate who aligns with our personal beliefs about the country and where it should be headed, and our feelings about leadership and proper governance. Voting for the lesser of two evils is disempowering and undemocratic. It undermines our decision-making, and our ability to think independently. It’s giving in to business as usual, which both major parties count on.  

This November, Delawareans can vote for an Independent candidate for U.S. Senate, Dr. Mike Katz, and launch a political revolution here in Delaware. His vision is one of public service; he favors term limits, making the federal government cost-efficient and effective, tackling the national debt, and improving healthcare. His campaign is entirely grassroots. He has refused donations and held no fundraisers.

Regardless of how you vote, you owe it to yourself to learn more about his vision for Delaware’s (and the country’s) future. And if you want to vote Independent, do it. Don’t allow the two parties to co-opt your right to cast a ballot as a free-thinking, independent-minded citizen.

Patricia Garrison


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