
Kerri Harris will take action on the issues

August 24, 2018

More than ever, it is crucial that we vote our values. Our government no longer governs for the good of all; rather, for the interests of the old, white and very rich, while the rest of us worry about making rent, feeding our families, staying employed, the state of our environment, and the safety of future generations.

For that reason, I support Kerri Evelyn Harris in Delaware's Democratic Primary.

Kerri is a community organizer and veteran who stepped up to serve her country in the aftermath of 9/11. She knows the struggles of everyday Americans, of trying to stay employed, trying to keep your family housed, clothed and fed during a recession. So many of our current politicians are so far out of touch with the issues their constituents face daily; Kerri has lived it. She has also pledged to refuse any contributions from PACs, executives, or front groups that conflict with her values, and the issues she is bringing to the forefront.

This is so important to me, in a time where it seems our politicians are being sold to the highest bidder to protect their corporate interests. The majority of Americans can't afford to have a senator in their pocket; I believe that Kerri truly wants to govern in the best interests of that majority.

What touched me most about Kerri was listening to her speak, and her reasons for wanting to serve the residents of Delaware; that we constantly hear talk of how "someone" should take action on the issues. Kerri decided to take that initiative and be that someone. She has my admiration and my full support in the 2018 Democratic Primary.

Rebecca Toner

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