Kiwanis foundation donates $3K to Nemours Children’s Hospital
The Capital District Kiwanis Foundation recently presented its annual donation to the Nemours Children Hospital, one of 11 pediatric trauma hospitals in the district that it supports annually. This year, the presentation took place at the Nemours facility in Milford.
The $3,000 donation will support Nemours' Department of Child Life, Creative Arts Therapy & School Programs, which helps patients and their families cope with medical experiences. Program staff promote the use of play, preparation, education and self-expression activities as a way to normalize the hospital stay. The Nemours certified Child Life specialists are skilled at supporting children and their family members during stressful medical events. Their aim is to empower children and families while partnering with them to meet their individual needs.
The foundation's contributions are funded in large part from money raised by its annual Ducky Derby drawing. For more information or to enter by Saturday, Aug. 24, go to