
KSI honors Leroy Hicks

Harrington resident wins Employee of the Quarter Award
November 10, 2011

Leroy Hicks of Harrington recently received the Employee of the Quarter Award for the first quarter of 2011 from Kent-Sussex Industries Inc.

Supported by KSI since 1980, Hicks is known for his gentle, mild-mannered nature and for taking on diverse work challenges. He worked in KSI’s Supported Employment Program at Wendy’s for 14 years before failing sight necessitated his return to the KSI Milford facility. Not only does he work on an assortment of jobs in the facility, but he is also a passionate volunteer. He serves as vice president of the KSI Aktion Club, a participant-led community service organization supported by the Dover Kiwanis Club.

As employee of the quarter, Hicks’ name has been added to a permanent plaque at KSI and he received two savings bonds, one provided by KSI and one donated by Dover Federal Credit Union. He also received a gift certificate donated by G & R Campground in Houston, entitling him to spend a weekend in one of its cottages, and a one-year aquatics membership from the Greater Milford Boys & Girls Club.

KSI is a not-for-profit agency providing vocational training and employment services to individuals with disabilities throughout Kent and Sussex counties. KSI is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure its programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

To learn more about KSI, go to or make a reservation to take a tour by contacting Alicia Hollis at 302-422-4014, Ext. 3015.


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