KSI presents certificates for outstanding attendance
KSI presented certificates with golden seals to individuals with perfect attendance in October. Alphabetically recognized are Dale Adams, Jason Anthony, Megan Behornar, Betina Bonville, George Bull, Natasha Burton, Julie Calhoun, Alison Comly, Codey Feathers, Mark Hanzer, Cami Houck, Deborah Hrupsa, Keenan Johns, Eric Johnson, Inez Johnson, William Labelle, Thoedore Madden, Dale Mast, Dianne Momot, Ryan Mulvaney, Trevon Pressley, Chris Smith, Misha Sunny, Kyheen Weaver, Ashley Webb and Jennifer Wolinski.
KSI presented certificates with silver seals to individuals with outstanding attendance in October. Alphabetically recognized are Casey Anderson, Brandon Bailey-Reeves, Angelina Barnes, Donna Berghorn, Suzanne Blackwell, Fentress Blake, Lisa Bush, Shiree Cannon, Renee Castro, Patrick Clendaniel, Gladys Cook, Keith Crowell, Laura Davis, Colin Deffely, Nasire Dixon, David Downing, Judith Downing, Richard Downing, Sean Evans, Kristin Ford, Erin Fountain, Joseph Gilmore, Justin Haggerty, Caleb Harvey, Sharion Henderson, Leroy Hicks, Alexander Jamieson, Matthew Joseph-Wingate, James Johnson, NaShauna Johnson, Todd Johnson, Julio Jordan, Anastasia Kellam, Rhonda Kelly, Thomas Kreller, Aniyah Lee, Willie Lopez, Thurman Mason, Angilica May, Robert May, Steven Miller, Tracy Morgan, Silas Mow, Darlene Murray, Charlie Nabb, Colby Pardee, Steven Prybylko, Brittany Reese, David Reynolds, Billy Riddle, Zavier Roberts, Judith Robinson, Lorraine Routh, Angela Salmons, Winifred Scott, Emily Sharp, Naseem Stanford, Chquwana Taylor, Gilliean Walsh and Christopher Wyckoff.