
Kundalini yoga classes to start Feb. 2

January 29, 2020

Story Location:
17605 Nassau Commons Blvd.,
Lewes, DE 19958-1635
United States

Lewes Yoga and Meditation will offer a weekly kundalini yoga class with Carolyn Berl at 9 a.m., starting Sunday, Feb. 2.  Cost is $12 per class.

The practice of kundalini, the yoga of awakening, prepares the body and soul for living and thriving in these energetically charged times. It opens the heart and consciousness into oneness by moving universal healing energy through the body and soul with gentle fluid movement.

Although this is an ancient practice, it is relevant for exactly where humanity is at this time in history. These ancient teachings were held in secrecy in India for thousands of years, only taught to those who were purest of heart because of the potential of their absolute power.

In 1969, kundalini was brought to the United States by Yogi Bhajan, the master of kundalini yoga and keeper of the secrets. All yogic practices stem from this ancient technology, but kundalini is the yogic practice taught in the original, purest and most powerful form. 

Kundalini meticulously and scientifically combines mudras (hand positions), mantras (healing vibrational sound currents), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and movement. One can expect a peaceful yet gently challenging experience while healing the central nervous system, glandular system, digestion, cardiovascular system and organs.

By design, kundalini yoga cleanses the blood, detoxifies the body and reduces stress and anxiety, all while opening a renewed sense of both the physical and infinite self.

It is excellent for everyone including those who have tendencies toward addiction or depression, or those who crave an overall sense of well-being.

Whether someone is new to yoga or a novice, all are welcome.

Each class is about an hour and 15 minutes. The class experience includes beautiful mantra music and gentle lighting, with practitioners primarily keeping eyes closed, for a full personal experience. The energy is always kind and nurturing with a non-competitive atmosphere; the expectation is that participants learn to honor and meet themselves exactly where they are.

Lewes Yoga and Meditation center is in the big yellow building that faces Route 9, at 17605 Nassau Commons Blvd., Lewes.

For more information, go to

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