La Esperanza to host voter registration event Sept. 17
In partnership with the Delaware Hispanic Commission, La Esperanza will host an event to encourage citizens to register to vote from 3 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 216. N. Race St., Georgetown. Highlights include a community barbecue with guest speakers who will provide answers to voting questions.
Speakers at 5:30 p.m. will include Rony Baltazar-Lopez, vice chair of the Delaware Hispanic Commission, as well as new citizens, who will talk about the importance of registering to vote and exercising rights as citizens to participate in elections.
Baltazar-Lopez is running for election to the Delaware legislature from Representative District 36, comprising parts of Milford, Milton, Ellendale and Slaughter Beach.
Latinos will make up nearly 15% of all eligible voters this fall, and nearly 90% of Latinos vote once they’re registered. However in 2020, Latinos had the lowest voter registration percentage by demographics.
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