League of Women Voters to gather June 18
The Sussex County League of Women Voters will host Gail Launay-Tarlecki of the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission at its League, Libations and Learning social gathering set for 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 18, at Cottage Café in Bethany Beach.
Her presentation, “How the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission Impacts All,” will follow libations and lunch.
The Division of Human and Civil Rights and the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission administer Delaware’s Fair Housing and Equal Accommodations laws, protecting against discrimination in housing and in places that serve the public. The commission promotes amicable relationships among the state's various racial, ethnic and cultural groups, and works to increase public awareness of civil and human rights in Delaware.
The Cottage Cafe is offering a plated lunch with a choice of three entrees and beverage for $18 plus 20% gratuity. Although the luncheon is open to all, seating is limited, and preregistration is required.
For more information and to register, go to sussexlwv.org.