
Legum & Norman sponsors RecyclingRoundup

June 20, 2012

Legum & Norman, an Asocia company, sponsored an Asocia Green RecyclingRoundup at Harts Landing June 9 at the community’s pool parking lot. Legum & Norman manages Hart’s Landing Community Association. The Asocia Green RecyclingRoundup, held in conjunction with the community yard sale, provided a Shred-It truck and 1-800-GOT-JUNK trucks for attendees to recycle and dispose of unwanted materials in their homes.

This is the inaugural RecyclingRoundup and Legum & Norman plans on holding the event quarterly.  “Associa Green helps our homeowners live greener  It is our opportunity to give back to the community and families we serve,” said Legum & Norman President and CEO John Rhodes. “By sponsoring the community yard sale and bringing in Associa Green partners, we are not only protecting the environment, but enhancing the lifestyles of our residents.”

Shown handing over some documents to Shred-It employee Josh Goehrig is Hart’s Landing's Barbara Irwin.

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