
Letter: Lewes polling procedures disconcerting

November 9, 2018

My wife and I voted at the Lewes Fire Hall Tuesday morning. There were a great many people lined up to vote, but I was shocked at the total lack of controls.

I saw one woman volunteer charged with making sure that everyone signed the register book before lining up to vote, but the task was well beyond her capability. I’ve voted for over 50 years in many different states, and have never experienced a voting environment where there were no controls to ensure that only registered voters who signed in could vote.  

There were also no controls prohibiting people from voting and getting right back in line to vote again. 

I realize that there is only one active political party in this state so it doesn’t likely matter whether people vote more than once. I would hope that people of all political ilk would find the lack of voting controls disconcerting. 

Steve Wagg

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