Lewes’ Fountain of Youth
If you’re searching for the Fountain of Youth, look no further than Lewes. It isn’t exactly a secret, as it sits in a small, square, white gazebo marked “Fountain of Youth” along Pilottown Road. The tiny gazebo that marks the fountain was built by the Lewes Chamber of Commerce in 1937. It sits on the canal side of Pilottown Road across the street from the historic Maull House property at 536 Pilottown Road, and is owned by the Colonel David Hall Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This photograph of four unidentified men was made in 1937. The sign reads “Ye Olde Fountain of Youth. Tis said this spring contains the magic elixir of youth and longevity and that whoever drinks therefrom is impelled to return again. First used by Dutch settlers in 1631. Restored in 1937.”