Lewes chamber installs new board for 2023-24
The Lewes Chamber of Commerce held its annual installation banquet Aug. 30 at the Lewes Yacht Club.
The 2023-24 officers are President Ray Book, Vice President Ted Becker, Treasurer Jeff Fried, Recording Secretary Maggie Lingo, Corporate Secretary Mark Carter and Past President Nikky Fisher.
The directors are Jen Mason, Lisa McDonald, Ken Norman, Gavin Radka and Jim Smith.
The chamber honored outgoing President Nikky Fisher at the banquet. Executive Director Betsy Reamer presented her with a framed photo of the Fisher-Martin House herb garden, taken by Brook Hedge.
Reamer said it has become tradition for the chamber to present outgoing presidents with a photo of Fisher-Martin House when their term ends.
Dr. David Tam, president and CEO of Beebe Healthcare, gave the keynote address. He introduced the faculty, staff and four residents from the new Family Practice Residency Program.
For more information about the Lewes Chamber of Commerce, go to leweschamber.com.