
Lewes committee thanks Heidi Lowe

July 2, 2024

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to Lewes Public Art Committee Chair Heidi Lowe, with a copy submitted to the Cape Gazette by the Lewes Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

Thank you for the art you created and installed this spring at the Lewes bike parking corral at the canal bridge. The sign you created helps to ‘artfully’ point the way to the available bike parking on the canal and adds another art installation to Lewes.

The Lewes Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee would like to formally thank you for your contribution to the town. This is another instance of your inserting art into our community, making it a better place for all of us to live.

Thank you, Heidi.

Lewes Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Mary Roth, chair
Sumner Crosby
Aaron Huertas
Ray Quillen
Glenn Dunnington

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