The Historic Lewes Farmers Market will be open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, July 11, at George H.P. Smith Park at the corner of Dupont and Johnson avenues in Lewes.
Customers are advised to watch the HLFM Facebook page for location updates. In case of rain, the market moves to Richard A. Shields Elementary School parking lot on Sussex Drive off Savannah Road.
The best of midsummer produce is at the market this week. It’s time to preserve fruit and vegetables for the fall and winter, and it’s easy to freeze berries, peaches, corn, green beans and more. Patrons can look for corn, red and white onions, garlic, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, potatoes, beets, green beans, radishes, microgreens, kale, escarole, CBD oils and bath salts made from organically grown hemp, mushrooms, croissants, baguettes, scones, pies, quiches, milk, butter, Italian ices, honey, grass-fed beef, chicken, eggs, blue crabs, freshly roasted coffee – ground and whole beans, and much more. Customers should subscribe to the free market newsletter to see specific listings of what’s available by vendor. Email to receive the newsletter.
HLFM has opened its Wednesday market from 8 to 11 a.m. at Crooked Hammock Brewery, 36707 Crooked Hammock Way, Lewes with many of its favorite vendors and convenient parking on site.
The market recently announced a new program to benefit Epworth United Methodist Church Food Pantry. Every week, customers may purchase local produce, meats, milk, and other items from market growers for donation to the Epworth food pantry after the market closes. It’s a challenging time for many, and this is a good way to get nutritious local food to community members in need. Market organizers thank customers for their generosity.
Due to COVID-19, the market is very different from last year. The park entrance to the market will be near the gravel path from the circle driveway. There will be a hand-washing station with foot pump at the entrance, and a volunteer will provide sanitizer spray for customers’ hands. There will also be a hand-washing station at the exit. The market’s perimeter is enclosed, with only one entrance and one exit. Only a certain number of customers are allowed in at one time, and everyone in the market must wear a mask.
All market vendor info is available at Several vendors now take preorders, and customers who preorder should plan their pickup for later in the day to avoid heavy market traffic.
The market will match SNAP up to $20 per market, per customer at the SNAP tent next to the market trailer. SNAP customers should wait their turn to enter the market, then ask volunteers to direct them to the SNAP tent where they will receive their bonus bucks. After receiving their tokens, SNAP customers will be able to enter the market without waiting in line again.
Due to limited parking availability, it is best to walk or bike to the market. Lewes School, its parking lot, and its playing fields are entirely fenced off. The market thanks Beebe Healthcare for allowing customers to use the outdoor lot accessed through the main entrance to the hospital between Rite Aid and Beebe.
Market rules for customers from the Delaware Department of Agriculture:
- Do not come to the market if you have symptoms related to COVID-19.
- Cover your face: You must wear a face covering to enter the market.
- Wait your turn: No more than two customers per vendor at a time.
- Maximum of two people per household allowed in the market.
- Observe social distancing: Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and everyone else at the market.
- Electronic payment: Use credit cards when you can. Follow vendor instructions carefully.
- No touching: Do not touch market items. Tell vendor what you wish to purchase, and the vendor will bag items for you.
- No doubling back: The market is one-way; you must move continuously forward through the market.
- No lingering or congregating: Spend as little time as possible with each vendor for flow of customers through the market.
- Preorder as much as you can: Many vendors can now take preorders. Consult HLFM newsletter, Facebook page and website for information on how to preorder, and pick up from vendors at the market.
- No pets (service animals permitted): This is a state rule for the farmers markets at this time.
- Wash your produce: At home, wipe down any packaging with antiviral solution. Wash your produce with water.
For more information, go to