Lewes Line deemed a success
Officials in Lewes are quite pleased with the Lewes Line’s inaugural season.
2022 was the first of a two-year trial run for a seasonal transit program aimed at alleviating traffic and parking concerns while providing public transportation throughout the city. Council members Caroyln Jones and Khalil Saliba sponsored and advocated for the program, but it was the Financial Officer Ellen Lorraine McCabe who, they say, put in the most work to turn the idea into reality.
During the Oct. 10 mayor and city council meeting, McCabe was surprised with a special honor to thank her for those efforts. A total of 6,266 passengers used one of the decommissioned DART buses that McCabe discovered could be leased for $1 per year. The program generated $5,011 in passenger fees, $102 in tips, and an additional $1,795 from the sale of 137 frequent-rider cards. Contributions from the private sector, in addition to the affordable lease terms, were also arranged by McCabe to help get the wheels rolling.
The stops at Second and Market streets and the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminal were the most popular destinations for drop-offs and pick-ups. A breakdown indicates that nearly all of the service’s activity came from those locations, but the parks and beaches had a couple hundred passengers as well. City Manager Ann Marie Townshend said staff is reviewing the service for possible changes that might improve the system in 2023.
Officials have discussed improving the timing of routes, orchestrating operations with major events during the season, and possibly providing more service to residential areas. The program ended Sept. 30, and a new launch date for 2023 has not yet been established.
Aaron Mushrush joined the sports team in Summer 2023 to help cover the emerging youth athletics scene in the Cape Region. After lettering in soccer and lacrosse at Sussex Tech, he played lacrosse at Division III Eastern University in St. David's, PA. Aaron coached lacrosse at Sussex Tech in 2009 and 2011. Post-collegiately, Mush played in the Eastern Shore Summer Lacrosse League for Blue Bird Tavern and Saltwater Lacrosse. He competed in several tournaments for the Shamrocks Lacrosse Club, which blossomed into the Maryland Lacrosse League (MDLL). Aaron interned at the Coastal Point before becoming assistant director at WMDT-TV 47 ABC in 2017 and eventually assignment editor in 2018.