
Lewes parking fines too expensive

July 9, 2024

My kids and grandkids were visiting me last week, and naturally we took them to the beach. Upon arriving at the beach, having 5- and 6-year-old grandkids, we were preoccupied with holding their hands while getting out of the car, keeping them from running in traffic, and gathering up beach towels, toys, etc., to spend time on our beautiful beaches. An hour later, I realized in all my craziness of kids, toys, etc., I forgot to feed the meter. I went back to the car to find I had been ticketed, which I expected, but what really threw me was the $40 fine. Is it really necessary to gouge the public like that? I hear stories about the exorbitant parking cost, and now I experienced it. Really disappointed in my city.

Dennis Nealen
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