Lewes to welcome America in Bloom judges July 12-13
Judges from the America in Bloom program will visit Lewes Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12 and 13, to assess its entry in the national awards program.
Lewes in Bloom is spearheading the effort, with businesses and community members are providing support citywide.
Judges will be given a tour of the various public parks, scenic and historic points of interest, and several of the gardens that were on this year’s garden tour. They will also visit many local neighborhoods.
There is no doubt that Lewes residents and retailers are proud of their city. Everyone is encouraged to show their pride by putting on their best displays, and being extra mindful during the two days the judges are in town.
The America in Bloom Challenge is an awards program open to cities across America. Participants are evaluated in the areas of overall impression, community vitality, flowers, landscaped areas, urban forestry, environmental efforts, celebrating heritage and community involvement.
In addition to awards based on population, recognition is also given for individual community champion and YouTube video, and a special award that is not announced until the symposium set for the end of September in St. Louis, Mo.
The last time the city entered the America in Bloom competition was 2015, when it won the Champion Award for small towns.