Library to host ‘Queering Rehoboth Beach’ author Oct. 23
The Rehoboth Beach Public Library will host author James T. Sears for a discussion of “Queering Rehoboth Beach: Beyond the Boardwalk” at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 226 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach.
A professor, activist and Fulbright Scholar, Sears drew upon extensive oral history accounts, archival material and personal narratives to chronicle the battle for Rehoboth. The 20th-century culture war unfolded between Rehoboth’s conservative establishment and progressive, gay entrepreneurs and activists.
Sears recounts the emergence of the gay and lesbian bars, clubs and organizations that drew the queer community to the region, along with efforts of local politicians and homeowners who fought to protect the traditional identity of the beach town. Moreover, he discusses issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality as Rehoboth Beach residents and visitors struggled with the AIDS crisis and the legacy of Jim Crow.
Admission is free and registration is required at