
Living nativity brightens season on The Circle

Good Ole Boy Foundation hosts display nightly through Dec. 23
December 21, 2020

The Good Ole Boy Foundation kicked off its nightly living nativity on The Circle in Georgetown on a chilly night Dec. 18.

Members of Union United Methodist Church in Bridgeville played the roles of Mary, Joseph, wise men and shepherds the first night. Volunteers from a different church will participate each night from 6 to 8 p.m. until Wednesday, Dec. 23, when a candlelight service will be held. The service was originally planned for Christmas Eve, but was moved earlier due to the weather forecast.

The foundation's plan to comply with state-of-emergency restrictions was approved by state officials. Spectators are required to wear face coverings when they can't social distance from other people.

Because of the Town of Georgetown’s policy, each night, foundation volunteers must set up and take down the nativity stage and move it about a block to the Georgetown Fire Company property. 

The Good Ole Boy Foundation, based in Millsboro, was founded to mobilize the community in an effort to unite resources and assist families in their time of unforeseen difficulties, including illness, fires, financial hardships and accidents. The foundation also supports youth activities.

For more information, or to make a donation, go to

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