Local Toys for Tots campaign concludes with thanks
Nassau-DE, the local campaign organization for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, has concluded its annual Christmas drive for 2020.
Toys were provided to more than 3,700 kids in Sussex County, thanks to the community and hardworking volunteers.
On behalf of the organization, Bob Davis, chief coordinator for Nassau-DE, announced special recognitions for Grady Putnam, 2019 and 2020 assistant coordinator and head volunteer of administration; Tim Dyer, 2019 warehouse volunteer, 2020 warehouse lead coordinator and website master; Nancy Anderson, longtime route driver and volunteer, and 2020 distribution route leader as well as route G collection driver; Allen Harim Foods LLC, donor of 8,000 square feet of warehouse space for Nassau-DE’s operations and toy storage; and Apple Electric, for being there again for the campaign in 2020 with a major donation of toys including a large number of children’s bicycles.
As a gesture of appreciation for their repeated valuable contributions to multiple Toys for Tots campaigns, these folks received custom-made red train awards.
The entire staff of the Nassau-DE LCO gives a huge thank you to the residents of Sussex County for their generosity in helping ensure that all children of southern Delaware could have a merry Christmas in the pandemic-plagued year of 2020.