Long Neck Sunrise Rotary donates to school playground fund
Long Neck Sunrise Rotary Club helped Long Neck Elementary get closer to its $100,000 playground construction goal with its second donation of $5,000.
Rotary’s support totaling $10,000 for the playground fund was provided from its charity golf outing proceeds.
“The opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of students and community residents in Long Neck by supporting a playground project that is accessible to children of all ages and capabilities is critical to our mission,” said Lucille Cavan, club president. “We are thrilled to be able to offer meaningful support, particularly during this challenging time.”
The planned playground will include six additional swings, soccer goals, safe climbing equipment, a rock wall and four slides usable by all students attending the school. The playground also will be ADA-compliant and have a 12-inch compacted engineered wood fiber flooring.
Principal Clara Conn said construction is expected to start in the summer. “We are so grateful to Long Neck Sunrise Rotary Club for playing such a vital role in procuring the playground equipment sorely needed here at Long Neck Elementary,” said Conn. “The children will be thrilled to have such a wonderful resource.”