
Lord Baltimore Lions scholarship applications due April 10

March 1, 2017

The Lord Baltimore Lions Club will award three $1,500 scholarships to Indian River High School seniors at the annual awards assembly in May.

The scholarships are presented in memory of Ralph Helm, who was a member the Lord Baltimore Lions Club and served as district governor and a member of the board of directors for Lions International in 1977. Scholarships are awarded based on excellence in community service, as well as academic achievements and financial need.

Students who are graduating seniors from Indian River High School and reside within the ZIP codes 19930, 19939, 19945, 19967 or 19970 served by the Lord Baltimore Lions are invited to apply. Scholarship applications are available at the high school guidance office. To access online, go to Completed applications must be submitted by to Sonya Purcell in the guidance office by Monday, April 10.

For more information on the scholarship awards, contact Lion Tom Roth, scholarship committee chair, at For more information on the Lord Baltimore Lions, go to or call Lion Janet at 302-537-5175.

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