
Lunch With a Purpose supports Rehoboth Art League outreach

February 28, 2024

Lunch With a Purpose/Coastal Delaware convened Feb. 7 at the Clubhouse at Baywood Greens, hosted by the Rehoboth Art League.

The luncheon was opened by Arlene Hannon, Lunch With a Purpose board member, who welcomed guests and introduced Sara Ganter, RAL executive director. Ganter specifically outlined the work of the art league’s outreach program that aims to bring an arts experience to Sussex County areas most in need. The program reaches more than 800 students yearly in Sussex County schools, after-school programs and summer camp settings. Outreach program representatives also bring arts programs to local libraries and senior centers. For more information, go to

The luncheon raised more than $5,780, plus $2,250 from in-kind donations, for a total of $8,030 for the RAL outreach program. Over 1,000 pounds of food were donated for Cape Henlopen Food Basket.

The next gathering will be held Wednesday, March 6, at Signatures at Bayside, Selbyville, in support of Philadelphia Arms Townhouses, a Delaware nonprofit dedicated to alleviating poverty issues in Kent and Sussex counties.

For more information, find Lunch With a Purpose/Coastal Delaware on Facebook.

Continuing  through Monday, April 1, applications will be accepted for sponsors and nonprofit beneficiaries for the Lunch With a Purpose 2024-25 season, with events beginning in September. To request information, organizations may contact Ruth Pryor at 302-231-8186 or

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