
Lynne Eckbold: looking to create a ruckus

Second Republican makes three candidates in 6th Senatorial District
May 31, 2018

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119 N. Race Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
United States

Without the fanfare of the Republican incumbent or the name recognition of the Democratic challenger, Lynn Eckbold said she decided to enter the 6th Senatorial District race to create a ruckus.

“People here get on my nerves,” said Eckbold during a May 28 interview in her home outside of Lewes. “It’s a rich, entitled, elitist town.”

A lifelong Delaware resident and Republican, Eckbold moved to Sussex in 2014 and filed her paperwork May 1 with the Sussex County Department of Elections. She said there are so many issues facing the area that are right under the surface, including, but not limited to, a huge shortage of workers, a huge shortage of affordable housing and a horrible healthcare system.

This is the time to make a change around here, Eckbold said.

The district, which moved from northern New Castle County to eastern Sussex County during redistricting in 2012, has been represented by incumbent Republican Ernie Lopez since 2012. Boundaries include all or parts of Rehoboth, Dewey Beach, Lewes, Angola, and Milton.

This will be the first time Lopez has been primaried since he was first elected. In 2014, he defeated Democratic challenger Claire Synder-Hall. Lopez filed for re-election this year in December of last year.

Former Sussex County Administrator David Baker is the Democratic challenger. He retired from the county in 2012 after 33 years, and he filed his paperwork in March.

Eckbold, 54, has been married to her husband for three decades and has three grown, college-educated children. She said she voted for President Donald Trump, but now wishes she hadn’t. “My two daughters are never going to forgive me for that,” she said.

Eckbold, whose parents were involved with the Republican party in New Castle County when she was growing up, said she doesn’t even know if she considers herself a Republican right now. “But I definitely consider myself a conservative,” she said.

Eckbold said she’s a strong believer in the Second Amendment and that taking away the rights of gun owners isn’t going to solve the country’s gun problems. She said mental health issues also need to be accounted for with gun ownership. “It’s messy, and it takes time, but there’s never one answer to the issue,” she said.

Eckbold said she believes in the sanctity of life, but ultimately it’s the woman’s right to choose. “No matter what, the woman makes the choice,” she said. Eckbold said this district also has issues related to homelessness that need to be addressed.

With two formidable opponents, Eckbold said she’s aware the odds are stacked against her. There are no expectations, she said.

“That’s OK. I got into this because I wanted to see what it was like to run for office; to see if there’s any way for a normal person to run. I want to see who you have to sell your soul to,” she said. “And I want to make a ruckus.”

Election information

The deadline for candidates to file for a statewide office and all other offices is noon, Tuesday, July 10. The statewide primary election is Thursday, Sept. 6. The deadline to register to vote in the primary is Saturday, Aug. 11. The statewide general election is Tuesday, Nov. 6. The deadline to register to vote in the general election is Saturday, Oct. 13.

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