
Macha will bring needed change to Rehoboth

July 23, 2024

The City of Rehoboth Beach stands at the threshold of profound change Saturday, Aug. 10. If you're tired of hearing no from our city government, now is the time to vote yes to Rachel Macha.

As citizens deeply invested in our city's future, we must express our desire for change and our urgent need for substantial progress to uphold everything we value about Rehoboth Beach. Fortunately, we have a formidable candidate ready to lead us forward. I, without reservation, endorse Rachel Macha, not only for her proven dedication to Rehoboth but also for her unwavering commitment to serve as commissioner.

This election is pivotal – a moment not to be missed by any eligible voter Aug. 10. Rachel possesses the expertise and determination necessary for the role. Her pledge to collaborate closely with residents and businesses ensures decisions that benefit our entire community. With her extensive experience in business and fiscal responsibility, she will effectively oversee spending and manage budgets sensibly. These qualities are not merely promises but critical attributes our city leadership desperately needs. I urge you to connect with Rachel at to learn about her leadership, experience, transparency, integrity and sincere love for Rehoboth. I am confident you'll agree she is the clear choice for our future.

Joseph Cardinale
Rehoboth Beach


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