
Macha will bring positive change to Rehoboth

August 6, 2024

What struck me after listening to the four candidates for Rehoboth Beach city commissioner positions was the need for positive, committed people to serve our city. 

We do not need angry. We do not need glib. We need commissioners who have experience and skills in finance, budgeting, employment and communications; people who take the time to listen to citizens, business owners, community organizations, as well as the employees charged with carrying out the work of the city. 

Rachel Macha talked about working together to solve problems and negotiate sensible solutions. She does not want to tear everything down; she wants to build good relationships with commissioners. She understands the complexity of serving the city because of her previous work on the planning commission, committees and with nonprofit organizations.  

I will vote for Rachel Saturday, Aug. 10, because I want positive change for the city.   

Sherri Wright
Rehoboth Beach


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