Mariner Middle custodian Dan Kimmel is making his mark his first year at the school.
Kimmel said that, during the morning recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, teachers and staff had no flag to salute in the school’s front lobby. “They hung a flag, but it didn’t quite look right,” he said. “They knew I could paint, so they asked me to paint a flag on the wall.”
Kimmel said he wanted to paint something a little more interesting. “I drew a bunch of designs, and came up with this,” he pointed to his half-finished project.
Kimmel designed a large eagle clutching a crest that depicts a Viking, Cape’s mascot. American flags flare out from either side of the crest, and a banner inscribed “Mariner Middle School” rests underneath it.
On rainy days, Kimmel is able to spend some time painting. Other days, he comes in early and stays after his regular shift to work on the mural. “Any chance I get to paint a mural, I do it,” he said. “It’s a piece of the school now, and everyone will get to see my art.”