Sussex County Master Gardeners will host A Day in the Garden from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Saturday, June 22, rain or shine, at the Carvel Research & Education Center, 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown. There will be children’s activities, workshops, a pest walk, plant sale and more. For compete details and to register, go to
Guests can tour 32 specialty gardens in the one-acre demonstration garden. The event is free and open to the public.
The specialty gardens feature a newly redesigned shade garden, including a magical stumpery. The children’s garden is awash with color and many plants to touch, smell and see. Attendees can learn how to propagate hydrangeas, and see what shrubs and perennials grow well in Delaware. Interest in native plants is booming, and the Master Gardeners have responded with native suggestions for any environment, including a dry shade garden. Many different types of raised beds are bursting with herbs, succulents and popular perennials. Chances abound to snap an award-winning photo with all the butterflies and pollinators fluttering among the colorful flowers. Master Gardeners will be on hand to provide a wealth of information in workshops, demonstrations and one-on-one conversations.
Master Gardeners puppeteers will present “The Misadventures of Peter Rabbit in Farmer McGregor’s Garden” at 11:15 a.m. McGregor just renovated the farm and is eager to show it off. All children will receive a free ice cream cone from the UDairy Creamery Moo Mobile, and many delicious flavors will be on sale for adults. Other children’s activities include a scavenger hunt and a garden buddy craft.
The plant sale in the grove near the entrance will offer attendees lots of native plants and other annuals, perennials, ferns, shrubs and even trees, many of them lovingly propagated by Master Gardeners and donated by local nurseries. Profits from the sale help support Master Gardeners programs and the demonstration garden.