
McBride has been tested by fire

August 23, 2024

I met Sarah McBride several years ago. She had been asked by my company’s CEO to give a talk about her life and her book, “Tomorrow Will Be Different.” I had no idea what to expect from someone who wasn’t yet 30 years old but who had already achieved a considerable political résumé. What could she say that would shake up the jaded skeptics? How inspiring could a 20-something person be? What life experience does she have that qualifies her to stand in front of all these people, most of whom were considerably older than she? Well, turns out she was enormously inspiring and spoke with confidence about her formidable experiences. After she concluded her talk, I remember thinking to myself, “She has been tested by fire, and she has come through the other side with strong values and principles. She’s a rising star. I wonder what she’s going to do next.”

I’ve since seen her tenacity in action as a state senator. She focused on healthcare issues, working across the aisle with Republicans to pass the Healthy Delaware Families Act that will make it financially easier for employees who need to take a leave of absence to care for a family member or a personal injury. She has worked to expand Medicaid, to lower the cost of prescription drugs and dental care, and to bring dental facilities to underserved areas. Imagine what she could do as our representative in Congress!

Like me, Sarah is a native Delawarean and understands deeply what matters in this unique state. She is articulate, focused, compassionate and prepared, just the type of person we need in Congress. She is a much-needed vital voice to represent Delaware at a national level, and she has my support as Delaware’s Democratic candidate for Congress. 

Peter Campbell
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