
McBride is right choice to represent Delaware

September 5, 2024

I have been a proud member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 313, for nearly 40 years. During my tenure, I have served on Local 313’s board of directors, executive board and its political action committee. I also led the union’s Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee. Now, I have the privilege of serving in the state Senate, fighting for working Delawareans. Through this experience, I am confident that Sarah McBride is the right choice to represent the First State’s working families in Washington, D.C.

During our time in the Senate together, we achieved several significant milestones, including the passage of paid family and medical leave, an increase in the minimum wage to $15, the passage of the Service Workers Protection Act, and a requirement for certain businesses to enter into labor peace agreements in order to operate in Delaware.

The importance of these policies to the average American cannot be overstated. Paid family and medical leave ensures that workers don't have to choose between their job and caring for a loved one during critical times. Increasing the minimum wage to $15 helps lift many families out of poverty and provides a livable income for hard-working individuals. The Service Workers Protection Act offers crucial security for service employees during changes of ownership. By ensuring that affected employees receive adequate notice and maintaining their employment during transitions, this act helps stabilize families and communities, promoting economic security and fairness. Additionally, labor peace agreements and community workforce agreements for federal projects ensure that workers' rights are respected, and local labor is prioritized, fostering stronger and more resilient communities. These measures collectively contribute to a fairer, more equitable society where workers' rights are protected, and their contributions are valued.

Sarah's unwavering commitment to labor rights in the General Assembly assures me that she will bring the same level of dedication to Congress. I am confident that she will work closely with unions to strengthen our right to organize by advocating for the passage of the PRO Act, expanding the use of community workforce agreements for federal projects, securing full funding for agencies that protect workers, and ensuring that emerging industries and economies prioritize the inclusion of unionized workers.

Delawareans and all Americans deserve to make fair wages for their hard work; to not worry about whether they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Sarah will fight for a future where we all get to spend more time with our families and loved ones

This election is a critical point for the future of labor rights in our country. Right-to-work laws are becoming the norm across the country, and the current Supreme Court is siding with union-busting big corporations over working Americans. Workers need a champion in Congress, and Sarah is the fighter that working families need.

Sen. Jack Walsh
Pike Creek


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