
The MCF thanks Milton community 

December 31, 2020

As this very difficult year comes to a close, the Milton Community Foundation would like to thank the Milton community businesses, community organizations, and residents living in Milton and in the surrounding areas and towns for your support.  Because of you, MCF was able to do the following: 

• Raise over $19,000 to purchase Food Lion gift cards, and, working with different Milton organizations and schools, distribute $16,000 in Food Lion gift cards to families in need.

• Donate over $3,000 in Food Lion gift cards and cash to the Milton Community Food Pantry to support its holiday food distribution.

• When the building with the businesses The Nest Spa, The Paisley Moon Salon and The Speckled Roost caught fire, MCF raised over $5,000 and donated over $1,800 to each of these businesses. 

• With support from Quillen Signs and the Town of Milton, a sign was installed on the gazebo in Milton Memorial Park naming it the Charlie Fleetwood Gazebo for all the years he has made possible the town’s summer concerts in the park, and in honor of his many other contributions to the town.

• Contribute $500 from our Noble Prettyman Cap and Gown Fund to Cape Henlopen High School to pay for caps and gowns for those seniors who could not afford the fees, but without a cap and gown can’t participate in the graduation ceremony.

• Joined with Irish Eyes to provide funds for new riverside chairs for the enjoyment of the community.

Plans for 2021 include a bingo night in the new fire hall to raise funds for the H.O. Brittingham Scholarships for those who attended H.O. Brittingham.

In the fall there will be an event to recognize the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, Bryan Stevenson, who attended H.O. Brittingham, and was born and raised in Milton.

In addition, MCF welcomes everyone’s support for the event organized by John Potocki that supports the Gladys Wilkins Scholarship for students planning a career in agriculture. 

Since MCF was founded in 2005, this town has continued to show, through the goodness and generosity of its citizens, that it is a caring community, and MCF looks forward to continuing to partner with the community in 2021.

Thank you and have a healthy new year.

Steve Crawford
Milton Community Foundation
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