
Medical cannabis dispensaries against recreational legalization

April 6, 2021

House Bill 150 - Delaware’s newest adult legalization bill - passed the House Health and Human Development Committee 10-5 March 24. This is a fantastic step in the right direction; during the hearing, advocates from across our great state gave powerful testimony in support of HB 150. Some testimony was provided from opposition, but you would be shocked to know who these companies are.

The medical dispensaries opposed to HB 150 are Fresh Delaware, Columbia Care Delaware, EZY Venture. These companies stated false claims such as legalization will harm medical patients, when it is proven adult legalization would increase patients’ safe access to quality, low-priced cannabis. These companies’ greed and desire for market control is what is harming medical patients. The lack of affordable cannabis in sufficient quantities to meet the demand is causing patients to suffer. These dispensaries have failed to produce results and have been allotted more than adequate time to produce results. They do not deserve nor hold the credentials to be first to receive new licenses to empower their greedy corporate interests. HB 150 offers opportunity for locally owned small businesses through microbusinesses and social equity licenses. This will allow us to grow our local economy; well-paying jobs will be created through this legislation. Fifty new cultivators will increase product availability and safe access to both the medicinal and recreational markets. Medical patients, please look into this unsettling testimony that was given on March 24; these dispensaries do not meet our needs now. How could they ever intend to do this in the future?

Please contact your representatives and express your support for HB 150 - Delaware’s Adult Legalization Bill. Let your voice be heard!

Lillyanne Ternahan
Cannabis Advocate
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