
Melson honored as Pocahontas of the Year

March 6, 2015

Guard of the Tepee JoAnn Melson received Anona Council’s 2014 Pocahontas of the Year Award. A celebration was held in her honor to recognize her commitment to the Degree of Pocahontas.

Nelson has been a dual member of Anona Council No. 11 since June 5, 2004. She is a member of Leola Council and is a past Great Pocahontas member of the Great Council of Delaware.

Melson has served the chairs of first and second warrior, and first scout. She has served for three terns as the guard of the tepee. She has been active serving on the by law committee, membership installation committee and Pocahontas of the Year committee, training committee, holiday dinner and phone committee.


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