
Melvin Nathaniel Claiborne Jr., award-winning quilter

March 1, 2023

Melvin “Skip” Nathaniel Claiborne Jr. left this life Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023, after a battle with a failing heart. Skip was born March 19, 1966, to Melvin and Mildred Claiborne in Essex, Md. He is survived by his mother, two brothers, nieces and nephews, his roommate, Yadi, and a huge community of friends in Delaware. He is preceded in death by his father.

Skip graduated from Essex High School in 1984 and worked for Eastern Airlines as a flight attendant for 19 years. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he hung up his wings and joined the Peace Corps. There, Skip taught English to children in Mexico and later moved to Nicaragua, where he farmed and taught agriculture. He loved his time in Nicaragua, but he decided to return home and help those less fortunate in the United States. In the early 2000s, he ran a business that sold habits to nuns and monks.

Skip later sold his business and turned his talents to a new craft, quilting. There, he found a calling and a new nickname, “Quilty Guy.” He rarely made a quilt without his trademark bling, glitter and paint adornment. His quilts were as unique as he was, and he won national recognition for his work. His quilt called Love Happens was a National Association of Certified Quilt Judges award winner. He was featured in the September 2020 Delaware Today magazine feature, “Meet 5 of Delaware’s Most Multifaceted and Talented Renaissance Men.” It was a thrill for him.

More than a creative outlet, quilting became another way for Skip to give back. Many of his quilts were donated to churches and charity fundraisers. Others were displayed in art galleries or local landmarks like the Lewes and Georgetown libraries. Skip made quilts and donated them to support the Millsboro Police Department Victim Services Unit. He had many quilts in the works at the time of his death.

Skip had that rare talent of making each of his friends feel as though they were his best and oldest friends. We can still see him wearing his trademark quilting T-shirt, sweats, and cap, covered in glitter from head to toe. He loved to laugh and always enjoyed a good meal. Every meal he ever had was “the best.” We know he is on the outskirts of heaven in a huge music-filled quilting studio with glitter, bling, thread, and fabric everywhere, just waiting for us to join him.

A celebration of life and a potluck meal will be held for Skip’s 57th birthday; doors open at 12:30 p.m., and lunch begins at 1 p.m., Sunday, March 19, at Millsboro Fire Hall, 109 E. State St., Millsboro. Bring a dish to share. If he gave you a quilt, bring it to show as a way to remember his beautiful spirit. You can also bring a favorite 5x7 photo of Skip, along with memories to share.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Skip Claiborne Jr. Memorial Fund of the Millsboro Police Department Victim Services Unit. Mail checks to Millsboro Town Center, 322 Wilson Hwy., Millsboro, DE 19966. Checks should be made out to Town of Millsboro with Victim Services Unit written in the memo. 

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