
Meyer is smart, involved, committed

August 13, 2024

I’m writing a few words regarding the upcoming Democratic primary, and something that smells … off.

Bethany Hall-Long has a tiny bit of a fragrance that is vaguely familiar. Like many in Sussex County, we spent many decades in another metropolitan area.

The D.C., Maryland, Virginia area is many things, but it certainly is not without a history in both D.C. and Baltimore of mismanaged funds. The stories we can tell!

Bethany Hall-Long has, whether directly or through her husband, mismanaged funds from multiple sources.

If you think this won’t be pursued in the general election or put a stench on a possible gubernatorial term, I have some soggy farmland for sale.

Vote for Matt Meyer. Smart, involved, committed. Let’s start fresh.

Cindi Flahive-Sobel
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