
Milton begins search for a tagline

Proposals due by Feb. 1
January 9, 2023

Milton officials have put out a request for proposals for marketing and public relations firms to help with branding and a tagline for the town. 

When the Milton Economic Development Committee first began meeting in May, one of its goals was to create a tagline and logo that would give the town an identity and in turn attract new residents, businesses and tourists.

Barry Goodinson, the committee member helping coordinate the search, said the committee identified four firms that have experience marketing destinations or are located in Delaware, but the group also put the request for proposals out to allow firms not known to the committee to submit bids. 

“The overarching goal of this project is to create a shorthand way of telling people why they should come to Milton, to explain what is wonderful and unique about this town,” Goodinson said. “Then, as we move forward, we will strengthen and develop that central message in everything we produce, write and do. Right now, when people are asked about Milton, they often say something like, ‘there’s a lot going on there.’ They have a vague sense of the town’s charm and vitality, but they’re hard pressed to come up with a clearer picture. With this tagline, we hope that people will come to fully understand what is happening in Milton, where the community is headed and why folks should visit us or move here.”

He said one of the models for what the committee is looking for is Berlin, Md., which uses the tagline, “Artistically Alive, Eternally Young.” The line is short and clear, makes you want to learn more and gives the town a framework on which to build its marketing materials, Goodinson said.

While details are still to be worked out, proposals are due by Friday, Feb. 1. Those proposals will include the firm’s approach, a timeline and pricing. After the committee reviews the initial proposals, it will schedule Zoom conversations to learn more.

“We didn’t want to be too prescriptive about the approach and process,” Goodinson said. “We want the firms to tell us how they want to approach this project. How will they go about learning about Milton and what people value about it? Will they do focus groups? Conduct surveys? Part of the process of choosing the firm for this project will be evaluating the process they propose. Having said that, I suspect it will be at least four months before we have a finished product.”

The request for proposals can be viewed at the town’s website at


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