The Milton Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approved preliminary site plans for Dunkin Donuts to develop a restaurant with a drive-thru off Route 16.
Dunkin will now be able to get approvals from state and county agencies before it returns for final approval from the commission. After receiving final approval, Dunkin could then move forward with seeking building permits and begin construction.
The commission tabled Dunkin’s application in December to allow the franchise to adjust its building design after feedback from the commission.
Dunkin is proposing a 2,860-square-foot restaurant with a drive-thru on a commercial lot in front of the Cypress Grove development on Route 16. The lot where the Dunkin plans to build was partitioned by town council in November. Dunkin would have 38 parking spaces and would be accessed from Route 16, with motorists turning onto Grove Circle, which services the interior lots of the development.
Brock Parker, engineer for Dunkin, laid out changes made to the building design and layout, including landscaping plans, increasing the width of the sidewalk in front of the parcel from 4.5 feet to 5 feet, as well as lightening the look of the building to be more of a taupe-style color instead of the gray as originally depicted. The commission sought a lighter color for Dunkin to better fit in with the style of commercial buildings in Milton; a similar request was made of the recently opened McDonald’s at the corner of Route 16 and Union Street Extended.
The Cypress Grove parcel was annexed into Milton in December 2020. Plans for the 26-acre parcel called for 21 acres of 240 residential units, in an R-2 residential zoning district, and 5 acres of commercial space fronting Route 16. The commercial space has been divided up into four lots, with the western parcels to comprise Dunkin and Dairy Queen. The eastern parcel is planned for a dentist's office and a future commercial business.