Milton plots sidewalk improvement with county grant
Milton is planning a series of projects aimed at improving vehicle and pedestrian safety around town.
Town officials hope to use $310,000 in grant funding from excess Sussex County realty transfer tax revenues. The plan is to use the money for all-way stop conversions and new pedestrian ramps and sidewalks at the intersections of Chestnut/Wharton/Atlantic streets, Lavinia and Mulberry streets, Federal/Wharton/Mulberry streets and Lake/Magnolia/Mulberry streets.
Also planned are the purchases of two permanent speed signs at Chestnut/Wharton/Atlantic streets, pedestrian enhancements at Broad and Union streets with ramps and crosswalks, new crosswalk striping at various locations, and resurfacing Tobin Drive and Hazzard Street.
The sidewalks in question were evaluated by town engineers as part of a study of pedestrian areas within the town center. The study found sidewalk ramps that have settled unevenly and cracked at Chandler and Union streets, warped and sunken sidewalks at Union and Front streets, and cracked and damaged areas on Federal Street at Strawberry Alley. These areas are also planned for work depending on cost estimates. Town Manager Kristy Rogers said there are no cost estimates yet.
Milton was granted the money by the county after it took in about $12 million more than anticipated.
The county decided to allocate $6.44 million of that surplus back to the towns, with money based on a formula that accounts for population and budget. The funds can be used for public safety services, economic development programs, public works and capital projects. Municipalities receiving more than $100,000 must provide a dollar-for-dollar match.