Miriam's Table will hold a bingo fundraiser from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 25, St. Jude's Parish Life Hall, 152 Tulip Drive, Lewes.
The event will feature 10 rounds of bingo, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. Complimentary beach food and popcorn will be served. Tables are set for eight. Tickets are $25 per person; to purchase, go to eventbrite.com and search Beach Bingo, go to Miriam’s Table on Facebook, or call Susie Keefer at 814-673-4148.
Miriam's Table, a nonprofit organization founded nine years ago by Lewes residents Ed and Susie Keefer, serves children in the Democratic Republic of Congo who face chronic malnutrition. Their organization provides 350 to 400 children with a nutritious meal five days a week. It also dispenses medications and supplies mosquito netting to fight malaria. It has funded construction of a fresh water drinking well and creates 10 full-time jobs for local residents.
Keefer began going on mission trips to Congo in 2010. In 2013, the Keefers adopted their then-3-year-old daughter Miriam. In 2014, they opened the nutrition center. In total, Susie has made 13 trips to Congo, and a place that was once far out of her comfort zone now feels like home.
The annual bingo fundraiser raises a large part of Miriam's Table's annual budget. Other sources of income are individual sponsors, Dining Out with Miriam, an annual sunset cruise and a holiday house tour initiated in 2022. Dining out events are held at Heirloom, Confucius, Mariachi, Henlopen City Oyster House, Blue Hen, Dewey Beer Co. and Crooked Hammock.
For more information on events and sponsorship, go to Miriamstable.org.