Motivation is the key to success for Ruth Cope
Ruth Cope, 68, is no stranger to working out. She had always been active and had previously worked with a trainer. However, after a sobering experience she decided she needed to make a change and called me to schedule a meeting to discuss her situation. At this meeting, Ruth explained she was not happy with her appearance and needed to do something fast, so she committed to training with us to accomplish her goals. However, three months later she had exceeded her expectations, and at this point has only scratched the surface of her true potential.
“I had been reading your articles in the Cape Gazette for the last two years and saw many of the successful transformation stories, so I thought this would be a great place to go to try to get back in shape,” said Ruth. She had always worked out and had spent plenty of time in the gym, but it was a twist of fate that recently woke her up and motivated her to make a lifestyle change. “I attended a wedding in early June and later when I saw a picture of me standing next to the bride, I said, ‘Oh my goodness, I need to get someone to kick my butt,’ because I just wasn’t happy with the way I looked,” she said. After meeting and discussing a plan, we decided that Ruth would work individually with us three times a week and attend a diet consultation to teach her nutritional basics. By mid-July, she was well on her way to making the needed changes to lose weight and get in shape.
At first we started her slow with a basic full-body workout using a combination of free weights, body weight movements and weightlifting machines, but it wasn’t long before we began upgrading to more complicated movements. Ruth quickly mastered those workouts as well, and we began to see quick progress, but little did we know the levels to which she would be willing to devote herself to make a change.
We quickly learned that Ruth is a contagious optimist who brings energy with her when she arrives. She never questions what we tell her to do; she just enthusiastically does the best she can. Her workouts start with a mile walk to the gym from her home in Rehoboth. She then works hard for about 90 minutes and then walks another mile back home again. She has lost an average of 2-3 1/2 pounds a week and has now dropped over 25 pounds since she began working with us. In addition to these accomplishments, Ruth has also benefited from very noticeable changes in her physical well-being.
“The first thing I noticed is the way I felt. I have bursitis in both hips and have previously had numerous shots in each for pain over the last five years, but after the first week of doing your program I’ve had no pain at all since,” she said. Secondly, she has noticed dramatic changes in her physical appearance, which were confirmed last week when she traded in her old size 14 jeans for a much more slender size 8. She recently participated in the Dogfish IPA bike race where at 68 years old she rode 37 miles. “I just felt great, with strong hamstrings, strong quads; I just could have kept on going,” said Ruth.
Ruth has proven that age is just a number, and all you have to do is be willing to put in the time, and get off the couch and get moving. It’s never too late. “I feel like If I can do it, anyone can do it. I don’t have anything special other than the motivation, but if you’re motivated you can do anything,” said Ruth, and the proof is in her success. Congratulations, Ruth!