
Mulberry Knoll sewer referendum May 13

No connection fee proposed
May 12, 2017

Story Location:
Rehoboth Beach, DE
United States

On Saturday, May 13, residents of Mulberry Knoll and Bayshore Hills near Rehoboth will vote whether to connect to Sussex County's West Rehoboth Sewer District.

The communities, currently served by individual septic systems, include about 80 units, said Sussex County Director of Planning John Ashman. Connecting to a central sewer system will send wastewater to the Wolfe Neck Regional Wastewater Facility off Wolfe Neck Road in Rehoboth.

Ashman said residents requested the new connection, which comes with a $300 annual service charge and annual assessment fees calculated at $8.24 per front footage. There is no proposed connection fee. Users with 40 feet of front footage would pay a total of about $630 annually, while users with 100 feet of front footage would pay about $1,125 annually for public sewer service.

If the referendum passes, Ashman said, the county will construct a new pump station and connecting pipes to send wastewater about a mile down Mulberry Knoll Road to the county's existing pump station near Beacon Middle School. Construction could be completed by the end of 2019.

The referendum, which asks “Do you support the creation of the Mulberry Knoll area of the Sussex County unified sanitary sewer district?” will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, May 13, at the Metropolitan Community Church at 19369 Plantations Road in Rehoboth Beach. For more, call the Sussex County Utility Planning Department at 302-855-1299.

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