Multiple AEDs installed on Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk
The Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach is one of the city’s prime draws for locals and visitors alike. A few weeks ago, those boards became safer for everyone with the installation of several automated external defibrillators.
The Rehoboth Beach Sunrise Club led the way on the in life-saving initiative. The club worked with Bayhealth’s cardiovascular department, the Southern Sussex Rotary Club and the Long Neck Sunrise Rotary Club.
Lisa Grossman, Rehoboth Beach Sunrise Rotary Club president, spurred the project and got grant funding. She said she was inspired after seeing AEDs while walking on the Ocean City boardwalk.
Ben Collins, senior director of operations for Bayhealth’s cardiovascular service line, thanked the clubs and the city. CPR and early defibrillation will save lives, he said.
Four of five AEDs have been installed for a number of weeks – the DART bus stop side of the Bandstand building, the gazebos at Maryland Avenue and Laurel Street, and at the visitors center/public restrooms on Delaware Avenue. They all have a small square sign facing the Boardwalk that allows people to easily identify them.
Mayor Stan Mills said there hasn’t been a need to use them, but they’ve been noticed and the comments received have been positive. People are grateful they’re now here, he said.
The fifth will be installed at the Rehoboth Beach Patrol/public restrooms facility when construction is complete.